20 Minute AMRAP Workout for Glutes


Hi Babycakes!

One of the things I am constantly asked about in regards to building muscle, is building the glutes. I get it... every woman wants a nice perky butt. When it comes to booty muscles, it's important to incorporate a lot of glute isolation movements.

Squats are great, but they're not enough. It's also extremely important to vary rep ranges. Meaning, some days you're hitting 15-20 reps. Some days, you're hitting 8-12 reps. Some days you're hitting 3-5 reps. Your body adapts to rep ranges before it adapts to the exercises themselves. 

Today's booty workout is lighter weight, higher reps. We're going to hit 20 reps of each movement, as many rounds as possible before 20 minutes is up.

All you need is a resistance band and a set of lightweight dumbbells you can use for squat to presses. 

Get ready to feel the booty BURN!

Don't forget to pin this post so you can pull up the video when you're at the gym! (Pin is at the bottom of this post.) 

The Workout

1. Squat to Press - 20 reps

2. Banded Lateral Walks - 20 steps to the left, 20 steps to the right (I did 5 rounds of 4 steps each way for a total of 20)

3. Glute Kickbacks - 20 reps each leg

4. Single Leg Glute Bridge - 20 reps each leg 

*Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.*

Squat to Press

Banded Lateral Walks

Glute Kickbacks

Single Leg Glute Bridge

Are you ready to build a strong feminine physique you can keep for life?

Girl, it sounds like it’s time to apply for Emily Cramer Fitness 1:1 Coaching!

My 1:1 coaching program is for you if:

✔ You want to build lean, feminine muscle without your workout or nutrition program taking over your whole life. You want something sustainable and realistic so you don't just keep starting and stopping.

✔ You want help learning how to eat and workout for your goals and how to consistently execute on these healthy habits

✔ You've been struggling with all or nothing thinking. You're tired of feeling like you need to do everything perfectly in order to see progress.

✔ You want to radiate confidence and strength - not just look fit, but feel it too!

✔ You want to make changes surrounded by women who get you, get your goals, and make fitness fun.

If you're ready to say HECK YES to changing your health, your body, and your life, APPLY HERE for 1 on 1 coaching. I will be there to coach you every step of the way so we can get you better, lasting results. 

Not convinced? Check out some of these amazing success stories from women JUST LIKE YOU. If you're sitting there telling yourself you're too busy, too tired, too old, too unmotivated, or that it's not possible for you, STOP RIGHT NOW.

You can do this no matter who you are and where you're at in life. Don't hold yourself back from the quality of life you CAN and WILL have if you take the leap. 

No more waiting for the perfect time. There will never be a perfect moment. The time to make a change is always RIGHT NOW! Let me show you what you can do. 

I look forward to coaching you! 

To Your Good Health & Success,




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woman with toned legs and abs doing resistance band glute workout
woman with round glutes flexing in the gym

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