How to Workout for Fat Loss
There are hundreds of ways to do this and different methods work for different people. However, I have found one special key to my own fat loss that seems to work well for people across the board: plyometric training.
So what is it?
Plyometric training is a training style also referred to as jump training, which is exactly what it sounds like. It means you are incorporating a variety of jumping movements into your exercise routine.
What’s the point?
This style of training is extremely high intensity, which means it will keep your heart rate up and serve to build your strength while burning fat. Incorporating explosive movements into your training also helps you to increase your power and agility, making it great for sports performance.
My personal strategy is to incorporate these movements between my working sets of an exercise. Essentially, I perform a resistance training exercise and then go straight into a plyometric movement afterwards rather than taking a break between sets. The goal is to do this for as many sets as I can until the last set of an exercise is complete. Then I take a mandatory break. If you absolutely need a breather before then, take one! The point here is simply to keep the fat burn going for as long as possible.
There is also the added benefit that this somewhat “circuit style” training with plyometrics keeps your training exciting and focused. When you’re taking less breaks, there is less room to get distracted by your phone, strike up conversation with other gym goers (trust me, you’ll be too out of breath to want to anyway), or just stand around and avoid working hard. This training allows you to get more done in a very short amount of time, making every second you’re in the gym truly count.
Do It Anywhere
With plyometric training, there’s no excuse not to exercise! You can do it anywhere and without any equipment. The training utilizes only your bodyweight to build your muscles and burn fat.
Who is this training for?
Anyone who is looking to build strength and burn fat all in one go! However, be advised that this style of training is very high impact. I highly suggest that you watch videos and tutorials that teach proper form before attempting plyos yourself as an incorrect jump or landing form can lead to injury. This style of training is not for you if you’re looking to ease into an exercise routine. It is for those looking to be challenged, sweat their buns off, and make serious body transformations!
Here are a couple plyometric movements to try:
Jump Squats by Howcast
Jumping Lunges by Alexandra Bring
Ski Jumps by Refine YOU
Jumping Jacks by FitnessBlender
Box Jumps by PopSugar Fitness
Did you find this helpful? Get hoppin’, missy! For tips on how to warm up properly for intense exercise such as plyos, I’d suggest starting here. We’ll go over proper warm ups and cool downs to help you get the most out of your training and prevent injuries along the way. I’d also suggest joining the mailing list to receive tons of free tips to get you started on the most effective path towards meeting your fitness goals.