Time Saving Meal Prep Hacks
You've heard the saying:
"Fail to prepare, prepare to fail."
This couldn't be more true!
As a health coach, I teach women of all ages how to use flexible dieting to reach their health and fitness goals. These women learn how to count macros: protein, carbs, fats, and fibers from day to day so they can lose fat, build muscle, and ensure that their body is getting all of the nutrients it needs to function optimally.
The trickiest part about getting started is ensuring you can meet all of your macro targets by planning out nutrient diverse meals.
Let's go over some easy peasy ways to make meal prep as smooth and simply as possible:
Planning Your Options
The first step to successful meal prep is planning out your grocery run with a couple options to fulfill each of your macros.
You'll want to pick 3 protein sources, 3 fat sources, and 3 carb sources you enjoy.
BONUS gift:
I'm making this part super easy for you! Below you can download my Grocery List cheat sheet. This list provides options for your protein, carb, and fat sources to make things as easy as possible.
All you have to do is pick 3 of each and then mix and match!
Set Meal Goals
If you practice a flexible diet, take your macro targets and divide by the number of meals you plan to eat each day to calculate meal goals.
Then organize your options.
I find it easiest to plug my meals into My Fitness Pal ahead of time.
Add 1 protein source, 1 carb source, and 1 fat source into each meal and then change the quantities to fit your meal goals.
Prep Your Food in Bulk for at Least 3-4 Days & then Divide it Up
You may be thinking this is going to take up WAY too much room in the fridge or dividing into separate containers isn't worth the hassle.
The goal here is to make hitting your goals absolutely fool proof.
Chances are, when you come home from work, you're not going to feel like taking the time to measure out the correct portions. But if the meal is already prepped and measured, all you have to do is heat it up and there are no excuses for falling off track with your nutrition.
Portion Out Snacks and Breakfast Ahead of Time
Weigh out your cereal and pre portion it into baggies. That way, when you wake up in the morning and you're tired and groggy, you don't even have to think about it. You can just grab and pour.
Same with your snacks. I like to have pretzels and pistachios on hand. If I want to be really prepared for the week, I'll weigh out my portions and put them in baggies.
Want Some Macro Friendly Options for Getting Started?
You can find some of my favorites at the bottom of this post.
Want More of My Tips?
I've been helping women just like you reach their body goals for over a year - from weight loss to competition goals to metabolic rehabilitation to muscle gain.
If you're ready for the rest of my workout and nutrition secrets and want to transform your body the fun way, APPLY HERE for a customized training and nutrition program. I will be there to coach you every step of the way so we can get you better, lasting results.
Not convinced? Check out some of these amazing success stories from women JUST LIKE YOU. Stop telling yourself you're too old, too far off, too busy, too tired. You are NONE of these things!
No more waiting for the perfect time. There will never be a perfect moment. The time to make a change is always RIGHT NOW! Let me show you what you can do.