Upper Body Cable Machine Workout

Let's be real, when the gym is packed, it can be really hard to find all the equipment you need for your workout! What I love about using the cable machine is, even when the gym is super crazy everyone's standing on top of each other busy, you can park your water and your phone at a spot on the cable station and get a full, really solid workout! 

Unlike using machines, the cable is going to be less stable, which means you're using your core throughout all the movements! Always a plus when we can bring core strengthening into the workout. This is so necessary for balance, stability, and injury prevention. 

Plus, you can very easily change the intensity. Is the weight too light? That's fine. Just adjust the knob on the weight stack to a heavier weight. No need to lug heavy dumbbells back and fourth in a crowded room. 

You can work your entire body easily with a cable machine alone just by adjusting the height of the pulley and changing the attachments. 

How to Use the Cable Machine

I realize that if you've never used the cable station before, it can look kind of intimidating. 

Below is a video in which I explain step by step how to use the cable machine. Don't be scared! It's easier than it looks! If you're not at the gym right now, feel free to Pin this for later so you have a tutorial ready to go!

Ready to try it for yourself? Here we go!

The Workout - 10-12 Reps of Each Movement

1. Cable Pullover

2. Kneeling Cable Wide Grip Row

3. Kneeling Single Arm Cable Lat Pulldown

4. Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise

5. Kneeling Cable Concentration Curl

6. Kneeling Cable Face Pull

Exercise Instructions

1. Dumbbell Pullover

  1. Lie down on a mat, holding the straight bar cable handle with arms overhead and fully extended.
  2. Pull the bar down toward your thighs while keeping the arms straight.
  3. Slowly raise your arms back to the starting position.


2. Kneeling Cable Wide Grip Row

  1. Start in a half kneeling position with the lat bar attached to the pulley station. It's perfectly fine if your lat bar has one hole at the center of the bar. Just attach it to one pulley instead of two!
  2. Start with arms fully extended in front of you. Then squeeze the shoulder blades and bend your elbows to bring the bar right below your chest.
  3. Pause and then slowly extend your arms back out in front of you. 
  4. As you complete the reps, do not let your upper body move forward or backward with your arms. Keep the core tight and the upper body stationary.


3. Kneeling Single Arm Cable Lat Pulldown

  1. Start in a half kneeling position with the single handle attached to the pulley station. 
  2. Extend your arm up and forward, towards the pulley.
  3. Pull the handle down, bending your elbow and bringing it towards your body. 
  4. Slowly return to the starting position.
  5. Complete all reps with one arm before switching to the other.


4. Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise


  1. Move the pulley to the lowest available height setting. With the cable machine on one side of your body, grab the single handle attachment with the hand on the opposite side. 
  2. Raise the handle up and out to your side until your arm is about parallel to the ground. Keep your arm fully extended throughout the movement. 
  3. Slowly lower the handle back to the starting position. Keep the core tight throughout the movement and do not let your upper body sway.
  4. Complete all reps on one side before switching to the other side.


5. Kneeling Cable Concentration Curl

  1. Start with the pulley on the lowest height setting. Sit in a kneeling position with your elbow resting on your knee. 
  2. Hold the single handle attachment with your arm fully extended in front of you. Use an underhand grip. (Palm facing up)
  3. Curl the handle toward you. 
  4. Slowly return to the starting position with your upper arm remaining totally stationary throughout the movement.
  5. Perform all reps on one side before switching to the other side.


6. Kneeling Cable Face Pull

  1. Start in a half kneeling position with the rope attachment on the cable pulley. 
  2. Grasp the rope with each hand (palms facing each other), arms fully extended out in front of your body.
  3. Pull the rope toward your face, bending elbows and flaring them outward. Keep the upper body stationary as you perform the movement. Keep the core tight and do not sway.

Are you ready to build a strong feminine physique you can keep for life?

Girl, it sounds like it’s time to apply for Emily Cramer Fitness 1:1 Coaching!

My 1:1 coaching program is for you if:

✔ You want to build lean, feminine muscle without your workout or nutrition program taking over your whole life. You want something sustainable and realistic so you don't just keep starting and stopping.

✔ You want help learning how to eat and workout for your goals and how to consistently execute on these healthy habits

✔ You've been struggling with all or nothing thinking. You're tired of feeling like you need to do everything perfectly in order to see progress.

✔ You want to radiate confidence and strength - not just look fit, but feel it too!

✔ You want to make changes surrounded by women who get you, get your goals, and make fitness fun.

If you're ready to say HECK YES to changing your health, your body, and your life, APPLY HERE for 1 on 1 coaching. I will be there to coach you every step of the way so we can get you better, lasting results. 

Not convinced? Check out some of these amazing success stories from women JUST LIKE YOU. If you're sitting there telling yourself you're too busy, too tired, too old, too unmotivated, or that it's not possible for you, STOP RIGHT NOW.

You can do this no matter who you are and where you're at in life. Don't hold yourself back from the quality of life you CAN and WILL have if you take the leap. 

No more waiting for the perfect time. There will never be a perfect moment. The time to make a change is always RIGHT NOW! Let me show you what you can do. 

I look forward to coaching you! 

To Your Good Health & Success,





Music: 1997

Musician: EnjoyMusic


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